We carry out driving tests, approve people to be driving instructors and MOT testers, carry out tests to make sure lorries and buses are safe to drive, carry out roadside checks on drivers and vehicles, and monitor vehicle recalls.
DVSA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Transport.
The Motor Ombudsman
The Motor Ombudsman is the automotive dispute resolution body. Fully-impartial, it is the first ombudsman to be focused solely on the automotive sector, and self-regulates the UK’s motor industry through its comprehensive Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Codes of Practice.
Retail Motor Industry Federation
The Retail Motor Industry Federation represents the interests of motor industry operators in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, providing sales and services to motorists and businesses.
Trust my Garage
Trust My Garage is the Independent Garage Association’s nationally recognised customer assurance scheme. It is a consumer code that acts as a badge of quality for the independent sector, and is a recognised brand that customers know they can trust. Members are audited to ensure high standards in service, working practices and training.